Our Story in Pictures
The Story Behind Our Gourmet Burgers
Scroll through our story in pictures. It’s a story about people, the food brought us together but it’s the people that make it worth it. This gallery will take you through our journey from our beginnings as a market vendor in 2016, to our three years at our burger bar in the Baakens Valley until closing our doors as a sit down restaurant in 2020. The burgers live on however, as we now offer on-site catering services.
What’s with the 1905?
Okay, so we haven’t been selling burgers since 1905, it’s a reference to legacy. The handing down from one generation to the next. In our case it has been the commitment to good quality meat. We are meat snobs and we have been since 1905.
Making burgers good
Behind the concept of a burger restaurant with a mission to making burgers good, are Freddy and Anna Heydenrych. The couple have been building their burger dream since 2016 when they first opened the doors to their first full-time restaurant, a burger bar in the Baakens Valley. Fred took a chance on following a passion and build on the legacy of his family’s meat history. Freddy and Anna are passionate about creating sustainable employment and development opportunities for their staff – which is a big part of the reason why they are returning to the burger business with relaunchinf the catering side of the business.